Education and Training
Search and Rescue (SAR) Training
Fundamentals of Search & Rescue (FunSAR):
Fundamentals of Search and Rescue (FunSAR) is an instructor-led course. This is a 47-hour class that will prepare the student for the SAR Tech II examination. Candidates will be able to demonstrate basic SAR competency through classroom instruction and practical skill demonstration.
Topics covered include:
- NIMS Incident Command System
- Basic Survival
- SAR Clothing
- Improvising
- Environmental Hazards and First Aid
- SAR Ready Pack
- Personal Equipment
- Travel Skills
- Land Navigation & Orienteering
- SAR Resources
- Search Philosophy
- Search Tactics
- Handling Evidence
- Clue Consciousness
- Search Operations
- Tracking
- Ropes & Rescue Equipment
- Legal Aspects for Searcher

Upon completion of the FunSAR course, candidates may take the SAR Tech II examination. This includes a written online test, short course online certifications and field evaluations.
Advanced Search & Rescue (ADSAR):
The SARTECH I level of certification is the advanced level for Back-Country Multi-Day Mission Wilderness SAR personnel. The level is recommended only for persons who function on SAR missions as field searchers. Persons who obtain this certification are to function within the limits of the certification described in the NASAR Certification Criteria for SARTECH I. The NASAR course that prepares one to take the SARTECH I examination is Advanced Search and Rescue (ADSAR).
This examination consists of both a written exam and a practical exam. The written exam includes one hundred and twenty (120) questions covering the candidate’s knowledge of search and rescue. The candidate is also required to successfully complete a two-station practical exam.
Topics covered include:
- Small Unit Leadership
- Fitness
- Crew Safety
- Crewleader SAR Ready Pack
- Maps, Symbology, & Land Navigation
- Search Techniques & Tactics
- Briefing
- Debriefing
- Hazardous Terrain Skills
- Stress Management

Land Navigation Training

Basic Land Navigation:
OES’s Land Navigation Course is a 16-hour hands-on course that provides all students with the capability, experience and confidence to properly read a map and navigate over land using nothing more than a map, compass and terrain features. You will start by learning the basics, like parts of the compass, how to read a topographic map, the importance of declination. Then, as you become more confident in your ability, we will set off into the woods so that you can increasingly put your knowledge to use in an active, hands-on, and practicable way over terrain in instructor lead routes. This will allow you to become comfortable setting bearings, translating terrain features, and estimating distance covered, amongst other skills. Best of all, this course will provide you a foundation for your continued learning and the confidence to better explore the Great Outdoors.
Advanced Land Navigation:
Advanced Navigation Course Details:
Join us for a comprehensive two-day advanced navigation course aimed at refining your navigation skills to an expert level. This course focuses on advanced techniques such as contour interpretation and navigation using celestial cues like the sun and stars, perfect for those seeking to elevate their navigation abilities.
Who Should Attend?:
This course is ideal for individuals with prior experience using a map and compass who seek to advance their skills. Participants should be comfortable with taking bearings, pacing, simple contour interpretation, and eager to progress further. Perfect for adventure/expedition race enthusiasts, off-trail adventurers, Search and Rescue Team members, and those aiming for high-level navigation in all conditions.

Wilderness Medicine & First Aid
The OES team will lead through a course that equips students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies.
Standard First Aid + CPR/AED:
Standard First Aid incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid including: legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, chest injuries, and medical emergencies.
CPR/AED a course equips students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies.
Wilderness First Aid:
The curriculum for a WFA course typically includes topics such as:
1. Patient assessment: How to assess the severity of a patient’s injuries or medical condition.
2. Wound care: How to clean and dress wounds, manage bleeding, and prevent infection.
3. Fracture and sprain management: How to splint and immobilize injuries to prevent further damage.
4. Heat and cold-related injuries: How to recognize and treat hypothermia, frostbite, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
5. Environmental emergencies: How to manage issues such as altitude sickness, lightning strikes, and animal bites.
6. Medical emergencies: How to recognize and treat issues such as heart attacks, seizures, and allergic reactions.
7. Evacuation: How to safely and effectively evacuate a patient from a wilderness setting.
The course typically involves a mix of classroom instruction, hands-on skill practice, and scenario-based simulations. Participants are required to pass a written test and demonstrate competency in the various skills covered in the course in order to receive certification.
Overall, a Wilderness First Aid course is designed to prepare individuals to provide effective emergency medical care in remote and challenging environments, where traditional medical resources may not be available. By completing this training, individuals can be better equipped to respond to medical emergencies in the outdoors, potentially reducing the severity of injuries and improving patient outcomes.